Benefits of Sponsorship
Reach leaders & decision-makers in the food industry through:
Recognition on the WFIM Website for one year.
Logo recognition on WFIM Event advertisements that reach over 700+ members and guests.
Verbal Acknowledgement at the events and through two PowerPoint slides you provide, as well as thank you announcements and in our newsletters.

Build your brand awareness by:
Providing corporate promotional gifts or product samples at any event except the plant tour.
Donating door prizes at any event or raffle prizes for our charity raffles at the Christmas and Golf events.
Showcasing your company through a PowerPoint presentation loop to be shown during the networking portion of all events that feature a PowerPoint (not the plant tour event).
Annual Sponsors receive one annual membership
You may take advantage of this membership yourself, or pass it on to another member of your company. Membership gives you access to our Member Directory, Job Board, discounts on event registration and early bird notice about events.
Annual Sponsors are automatically Bronze sponsors at the WFIM annual Golf Tournament – a $250 value!
You will also be offered the chance to upgrade to a higher level golf sponsorship before other companies and members.

Your annual sponsorship helps WFIM offer a mentorship program as well as the Donna Messer Women in Food Industry Management Scholarship, encouraging young professionals to pursue careers in the food industry–we all need quality people, WFIM helps nurture them.